University of Japan discovers that a chemical present in thousands of products accelerates aging


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The study published in the journal 'Nature Cell Biology’ how these substances damage DNA.

Aging is an inevitable biological process, although the physiological changes that accompany it are natural, certain factors can intensify this process, making it more visible, especially on the skin. For this reason, Thousands of people in the world care about using sunscreen and eating a healthy diet to prevent premature aging..

A study carried out by researchers at Nagoya University, in Japan, has shed new light on the harmful effects of aldehydes on DNA and their link to accelerated aging.

It is important to mention that aldehydes are mainly found in alcohol., but it is also used in the production of resins, plastics, solvents, paintings, perfumes, essences and certain cosmetics.

Now well, the study published in the prestigious journal 'Nature Cell Biology’ reveals how these chemicals can cause diseases associated with rapid aging.

According to the media 'El Heraldo', Yasuyoshi Oka, main author of the study, explained that “for the first time, we propose a relationship between DNA damage caused by aldehydes and premature aging”.

This research was based on the analysis of the AMeD syndrome, a condition of accelerated aging characterized by a malfunction of the enzyme aldehyde dehydrogenase. This syndrome is related to the response that some Asian people have to alcohol consumption., because when they drink they turn red.

Speech disturbance that may be an early sign of Alzheimer's, People of Asian descent who inherit a complete or partial deficiency of aldehyde dehydrogenase experience elevated levels of acetaldehyde shortly after consuming alcohol. This buildup causes quick hangover symptoms and can lead to more serious health problems..

Can cause premature aging

Study also highlights how DNA damage caused by aldehydes contributes to premature aging in healthy people. To mitigate these effects, it is crucial to reduce exposure to substances that generate aldehydes, like alcohol, tobacco and environmental pollution.Taking these precautions could be essential to prevent cell damage and promote healthy aging.

For Oka, this research “opens new avenues to understand the underlying mechanisms of premature aging diseases and offers potential targets for therapeutic intervention.””. “We are paving the way for future studies aimed at developing novel treatments and interventions.””, concluded.

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