September8 , 2024


A scientific investigation that lasted more than 8 years revealed the impact on health of exercising only on weekends

A recent scientific study, which extended for more than 8 The superfood that helps lower blood pressure and control glucose,...

An 'impossible' single-celled organism is discovered’

Se descubre un organismo unicelular 'imposibleUn equipo de investigadores...

Spanish researchers confirm the health benefits of replacing animal protein with vegetable protein in the Mediterranean diet

Por más que nos intenten marear con propuestas 'milagrosas'...

A study reveals how much exercise you should do per week to avoid hypertension

According to American researchers, At least the....

Scientists confirm that permanent chemicals, PFAS, are absorbed through human skin

A study of 17 "químicos permanentes o para siempre",...

University of Japan discovers that a chemical present in thousands of products accelerates aging

El estudio publicado en la revista 'Nature Cell Biology'...

How does the brain decide what to remember and what not??

New research reveals why certain events remain..

Lilly and Novo Nordisk invest 20.000 millions to manufacture slimming products

The American deploys 5.300 million and the Danish bought....

An 'impossible' single-celled organism is discovered’

Se descubre un organismo unicelular 'imposibleUn equipo de investigadores...


Estas son las proteínas más saludables que podemos consumir

Las proteínas son un nutriente indispensable en la vida de cualquier persona y...

Restore the balance of the intestinal flora and protect your immune system thanks to kefir

Until very recently, Kefir was an unknown product in the....


Who is Wegovy suitable for?, the new drug for weight control.

The Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products has....

Lilly and Novo Nordisk invest 20.000 millions to manufacture slimming products

The American deploys 5.300 million and the Danish bought....

Fructose intolerance

What is fructose? Fructose is a type of sugar..

Sorbitol intolerance

What is sorbitol? Sorbitol is a polyalcohol (sugar)...

lactose intolerance

What is lactose intolerance? Intolerance to....

What is the function of Omega 3 with health?

If there is a nutrient that has given plenty of examples....

Who is Wegovy suitable for?, the new drug for weight control.

The Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products has....

Mental health

Spanish researchers discover a new genetic alteration that causes Alzheimer's

Until now, only three gene variants were considered,...

How does the brain decide what to remember and what not??

New research reveals why certain events remain..

Scientists confirm that permanent chemicals, PFAS, are absorbed through human skin

A study of 17 "químicos permanentes o para siempre",...

University of Japan discovers that a chemical present in thousands of products accelerates aging

El estudio publicado en la revista 'Nature Cell Biology'...

Scientist claims humans are rapidly approaching singularity and immortality thanks to nanorobot technology

Esta solución nos ayudará a "superar por completo las...

Your brain predicts the future while you sleep: how the messages sent by the subconscious work

This trial revealed a new and unexpected ability to....

The fusion of two sisters into a single woman suggests that the identity of the human being is not in their DNA

The biologist Alfonso Martínez Arias defends in a provocative....

A large international study confirms that stress increases by up to 30% the risk of cardiovascular diseases

People under severe stress were slightly more....

Latest news

¿Qué fruta puede comer un paciente diabético?

La diabetes es una enfermedad en la que los...

Presión arterial alta: los ejercicios que ayudan a combatirla

El Instituto Nacional del Corazón, los Pulmones y la...

These are the people who should not eat apples every day

The apple is one of the healthiest fruits that we can incorporate into....

Tecnología al servicio de la salud

Es difícil prever lo que nos deparará la ciencia...

Cómo el Big Data puede mejorar nuestra salud

«Big Data» es, sin duda, uno de los términos...

The most read

A scientific investigation that lasted more than 8 years revealed the impact on health of exercising only on weekends

A recent scientific study, which extended for more than 8 The superfood that helps lower blood pressure and control glucose,...

An 'impossible' single-celled organism is discovered’

Se descubre un organismo unicelular 'imposibleUn equipo de investigadores...

Spanish researchers confirm the health benefits of replacing animal protein with vegetable protein in the Mediterranean diet

Por más que nos intenten marear con propuestas 'milagrosas'...

A study reveals how much exercise you should do per week to avoid hypertension

According to American researchers, At least the....

Scientists confirm that permanent chemicals, PFAS, are absorbed through human skin

A study of 17 "químicos permanentes o para siempre",...

University of Japan discovers that a chemical present in thousands of products accelerates aging

El estudio publicado en la revista 'Nature Cell Biology'...